Family Law
We can assist with all matters arising from the breakdown of relationships including:
- Preparation for Separation
- Children’s arrangements
- Domestic Violence and Protection Order matters
- Financial Arrangements and Property Settlement
- De Facto Relationship matters
- Binding Financial Agreements (Cohabitation / Prenuptial Agreements)
- Spousal Maintenance
- Divorce
The law relating to family breakdowns is complex and it is important that you seek legal advice as early as possible preferably well before separation. Each family’s experience of separation is different and tailored approaches to dealing with your circumstances are vital.
Your interests will be best served by ensuring we have an intimate understanding of your life circumstances.
Relationship breakdowns can have a devastating effect, not only on those directly involved but also children, friends and other family members. The consequences are not only practical, for example dealing with property and how the children spend time with the parents; but also the emotional impact.
Although there once was a time when the primary carer was predominantly the mother for minor children, this has changed and today neither parent has an advantage based on gender over the other when determining the care arrangements. The best interests of the children is the paramount factor. The court will consider a range of factors which could include:
- Whether one or other of the parents has been the primary caregiver of the child
- The work schedule of the parents and what arrangements will be made for the care of the child
- Parenting skills of each parent
- If the child is old enough and emotionally stable enough to determine which parent he/she would prefer to live with
Speak to our friendly team before you agree to anything as it may have consequences further down the track.
The team at Everingham Lawyers can offer professional help with the practical issues. We will protect your long term interests during this vulnerable time. You will appreciate our sensitive and friendly guidance as you have to make tough decisions.
Our role is to help you navigate your way through challenges that may arise as quickly and with as minimal damage, both emotionally and financially as possible. There are a number of ways including mediation and negotiation that can be explored before having to go to court.
We can provide you with all the relevant information you need to make informed choices about how your separation can be dealt with to best suit your families situation.
Call Paul or Julia on (07) 5495 8888 to arrange a confidential discussion.